Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, I gave a presentation on our calling to serve as missionaries with the Three Worlds team, specifically in the Netherlands.
In that presentation, I said that we Love the Local Church, wherever she is found, be that in the Netherlands, or be that wherever we may be visiting with for ministry partnership.
In the past few months (sorry for lack of posts---been a wee bit busy), we've had the privilege to visit with some of our Living Link congregations.
First, a brief explanation of "
Living Link:" In short, Living Link is the Church of God program for supporting missionaries. An individual or a congregation signs on to be a Living Link
partner with us, and they have a vital connection with our ministry. But in addition to just giving towards our support, they have a "Living Link" and are brought into relationship with us and are enabled to have more of a direct connection with
our family and our ministry.

This nice little town in SW Ohio houses a fabulous congregation:
Germantown First Church of God. Beneath is a picture of our family with Pastor Steve Carney.
This congregation made a splash in our pond even as early as NAC, pledging to support us with their Faith Promise budget! We thoroughly enjoyed our time with them one weekend in September, and are looking forward to a lengthy partnership!
We also have been sharing at another congregation that is quite near and dear to our hearts:
Maple Grove Church of God in Anderson!
Maple Grove is a fabulous place to celebrate World Communion Sunday and be challenged and stimulated towards missions and all things Faith Promise! Okay, okay, we're a bit biased. :-) But look at it like this: It takes a special congregation to make room in their budget to continue financially supporting their pastor after he leaves them! That is exactly what
Maple Grove is doing--After 7-8 years as their pastor, we are leaving...And they are continuing to support our ministry even when it's based in the Netherlands! What a gift for "Pastor Appreciation Month!" What a snapshot of Holy Love!
Notice the flag on the front Left side of the picture!

Picking up on the theme of Church of God Ministries for Faith Promise, Maple Grove is being reminded and encouraged this month: "The Church Has Left the Building..." to which Jesus says "Thank you...Thank you very much." (insert groan at bad Elvis joke here).
Before I mention the third congregation we've shared with recently, allow me to say briefly what it means to us to be supported in a Living Link relationship.
The World.
Literally. Our ministry in the Netherlands, to which God has called us and prepared us, literally cannot happen without individuals and congregations coming alongside us and entering into a Living Link relationship with us.
For those of you who have already done this, let me say to you one more time: "Thank You." Not only is this necessary for the starting up of this ministry, but it is vitally necessary for the long-term health and sustainability of this ministry. In the meantime, too, know that Living Link relationships really keep us going during this arduous task of raising support, all while balancing the many other responsibilities of Life, Work, and Parenthood.
If you are considering becoming a Living Link with us, please pray about this, and then click
In all seriousness, please
e-mail us (address also to the right of this blog post); Contact
Global Missions Office (dtaylor@chog.org); And/or forward this blog link on to your Pastor or Missions Team. If you go with this third option, please
e-mail us too so we can follow up with them. We know how busy and inundated with information pastors can be.
Now as for that third congregation I promised to tell you about...
Parkgate Community Church in Pasadena (Houston), Texas really has been instrumental in getting us off the ground and keeping us encouraged through this process.
Their pastor, Jim, was just ahead of Dan in seminary. He not only gave us ample time to share about our ministry, he also entrusted the Sunday morning sermon to Dan. It was truly a joy to be with this congregation for a whirlwind of a weekend in early October, and we look forward to a lengthy partnership with them as we all follow God's call on our lives to share the Gospel and make Disciples as we go.
Such a whirlwind was this weekend that the only picture with Pastor Jim occurred as he was dropping us back off at the airport to head home to the Midwest!
This congregation not only brought us to them, hosted us in superb fashion (thanks Spillers!), pledged to be a Living Link with us, but they also really rolled out the red carpet by printing and displaying a huge picture of our family on their Faith Promise wall! Now if that doesn't make you feel special, I don't know what does! And no, for the record, I'm wearing different shirts.
That's a glimpse into what we've been up to (in our spare time) to get this new ministry up and running. Thank you for your prayers during this time--we couldn't do it without them.
Thank you for your financial support as well-again, we couldn't do it without it.
Look for more updates soon!!!!
Until then, click
HERE and wait for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to prompt you as to which button to click on!!