Saturday, April 20, 2013

We're Famous! Round Five!

Next Thursday we will be sharing at Anderson University as part of the Brown Bag Luncheon Series!

Click HERE for that invite!

Thursday April 25th--Noon

*Thursday April 25, NOT the 26th...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We Love Our Living Links: February 2013

Although we haven't written much by way of "news," this Spring has been b-u-s-y continuing to connect with pastors and congregations. Especially exciting is the opportunity to get to know several of our Living Link supporters.

In February, we spent a day with the East Side Church of God, here in Anderson. This is a fine congregation that we have been loosely connected with for the entirety of our lives in Anderson. East Side does so many things very well! One thing in particular is their ability to connect with local college students! East Side has a program for members of the congregation to "adopt" a college student, and intentionally get to know them and support them during their school years. About once a month, after worship, East Side has a meal for college students. This is free and consistently dee-licious! Trust me, I've attended my fair share of these meals. :-)

Another thing East Side does well is support of Missionaries. We are thrilled to be included in this list!

See our giant picture: Left column, 2nd from the Top!

And our brochures in the MIDDLE of their wall of info.! 

It is very strange to walk into a place and find information and pictures of you that you did not bring!!!!

We do, of course, bring some information with us. Here is our East Side display, complete with two tables of goodies!

And, FINALLY, Baby Kihm met Baby Goldman!!!

Our day at East Side was long, as we were introduced in both morning worship services, and shared with two Sunday School classes, and then returned in the evening for their Missions Banquet!

And yet, while exhausting, it was also so refreshing to run into so many familiar faces--people we used to worship with, people who have served as our professors, mentors, colleagues, or just friends over the years, and people who we haven't seen in years (even though we've lived within miles of one another!).

OKLAHOMA (let the singing commence...) -- The very next week, I (Daniel) drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma to speak at the Red Fork Church of God on February 17th.

A few observations: From Indiana, Oklahoma is a LOOOOONNGGGG drive! On the bright side, as I progressed westward, I was treated to better roads. I-70 and then I-44 both kept getting better. I noticed as I crossed into Illinois that the road was nicer than Indiana. Some hours later, I crossed into Missouri, and (in addition to the scenery getting way better!) the road got better too! THEN I was amazed when I crossed into Oklahoma! Not only did the road get exponentially better, but the Speed Limit increased to 75!!! :-)

However, I learned that the Oklahoma highway is a TOLL-ROAD! Boo! Oh well, I guess you get what you pay for, and nicer roads costs money!

I spent my 33rd Birthday with these folks, as I stayed with their pastor, Troy Hires (Wife Jen, Son Jaden) Saturday through Monday. Troy and I were in seminary together, and have journeyed together as our callings have developed and gotten more clear over the years!

My time with this congregation was short but intense. I spent Saturday evening with the Missions Committee, and then gave a presentation during Sunday School and preached in Morning Worship, and then fielded Q & A during a catered (BBQ!) lunch.

I know I'm a nerd, but I got to wear one of those really cool mics that hangs off your ear. It's the little things, folks...

And the lunch, of course...Yum Yum.

I'll end this with one brief story: When I arrived at the Hires' home, Troy came out to greet me. As he did, a few neighbor kids came running out of his house excited to meet me. Upon seeing me, they quickly went back to playing. Later I learned that Jaden had marketed me to his friends as "his guest" who was coming to visit! So all the neighbor kids thought that a new kid was coming to join the neighborhood games! Sorry, kids. :-)

Red Fork, East Side, THANK YOU for supporting us. It means the world to us, and we genuinely look forward to partnering together for the Kingdom!

If you are interested in supporting us (as a congregation or an INDIVIDUAL), here is a LINK that will give you all the info. you need. All support, little or big, is needed and appreciated!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Cloud of Witnesses: An Introduction

Rather than make this one super-long post, and since I'm a preacher now preaching with a limited horizon of sermons, this post will become a short series, unraveling our ongoing story in light of the stories of various Biblical characters.

Cloud of Witnesses

As we raise support for the Netherlands, one thing is painfully obvious. We need a lot of financial support. :-) 

Equally obvious: We need a lot of PRAYER!

As I read the 12th chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews, I am stopped at the magnitude of verse 1. “Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses....”

This is a summary of chapter 11 and it is meant to encourage us that we are not the only ones who’ve sacrificed to follow Jesus. Nor are we the only ones who’ve suffered to follow Jesus--imagine the disciple who was “sawn in two!” Gads!

I’ve been struck by this passage in a different way, though. The Dutch Church is small: 200-300 members total. And yet the Lord has worked in amazing ways in their midst.

WE are inviting you to WITNESS THAT !

Will you commit to PRAYing and/or PAYing for our ministry?

Don’t look at this as strictly a business transaction or another feather for your Prayer-Warrior hat.

See yourself as a WITNESS for this Church! Think of the amazing ways that God can use you to help encourage this small body of believers in the Church of God!

Through these efforts, I look forward to someday being able to paraphrase this verse:

“Therefore, Dutch Church, since we are surrounded
by so great a cloud of witnesses
May we not forget the Lord is a big God! 
He provides for his children and He loves his Church,
no matter her size or geographic locale!”

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Project # 42.10041