Part of our site visit included a Sunday. As a minister, not to mention the nature of our visit to the Netherlands, the obvious assumption I made is that I would be asked or expected to preach somewhere. This did not disappoint. In any way.
I was asked to preach at the Congolese Church. This, as I understand, is a congregation that grafted into the Church of God within the past year or so. (See press releases
HERE and
Furthermore, while being in the Netherlands, this is a truly Non-Western congregation. It is made up largely of immigrants (or children of immigrants) from the Congo, Angola, and Ivory Coast.
One more thing. While being comprised of Dutch citizens/residents, the primary language for most of these people, and therefore the language they worship in, is Français!
The reality of Europe is that the whole continent is so multi-cultural and international in residential makeup. This could be expected, but is still an initial shock to the system for a midwesterner.
Here are a few pictures of our time together.
The pastor's wife and children and others leading in worship! The spirit of worship was so enthusiastic and upbeat! Not to mention LOUD! :-) Okay, okay, I'm getting old. In all seriousness, the Spirit of the Lord was present with the people of God, and I was drawn into a holy experience of bringing praises unto the King. And I can only imagine how great it would have been if I knew Français!!! |
I began by sharing the good news with them: My sister, Jolie, is fluent in Français!!! Then I shared the bad news: I am not. :-) One of the pastor's daughters is hiding behind me in this picture--She served as my interpreter. You can see a little of her in the next picture. |
Regardless of language, some things are universally known and understood. I preached on John 8:1-11 and the Grace of God that is so lavishly poured out upon us, even when we are wholly undeserving. As the Church, our job should be to mimic our Lord.This plays out through sharing Love and Grace with people before we attempt to speak correction into their lives. Jesus rescued the adulterous woman from the crowd's anger and rage. Then he too pardoned her. Then, He told her: "Go, and from now on, sin no more." Holy living is important, and Truth needs to be shared. BUT first we must establish loving relationships which earn us the right to be heard. |
Regional Coordinator Jamie Nachtigall and I standing with Pastor Jacques Zola on L. Gathered with us are many members of this congregation, Eglise La Lumiere du Christ. Unfortunately, Sofie was hungry. So Christy was preoccupied, feeding the future playmate of some of these children! |
After this picture was taken, we had to say
Au Revoir to these saints! We genuinely look forward to serving alongside them in the future!