Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tenth Anniversary: DEpendence Day

Ten Years Ago, right now, where were you at? What were you doing?

I'll forever remember exactly where I was on 4 July 2002.

I was in Evert, MI, working at Spring Hill Camp. Lunch had finished, and I had gone with my 7th grade boys to the Activity Field.

Ten years ago, almost to this exact minute, I was lying on the field writhing in agony, unable to move my left leg.

Two surgeries and innumerable PT sessions later, here I am: Ten years removed from shattering my left kneecap.

I wasn't doing anything reckless. I wasn't doing anything dangerous. I was simply running across a field when my quadricep muscles randomly overpowered my left patella and snapped it in two.

And, to be realistically dramatic, my life was changed forevermore.

The remainder of that summer saw me lying on a bed allowing my knee to heal, not bending it or putting any weight on my left leg. I was given ample time to wrestle with God, a la Jacob.

"WHY did this happen to me?!" While that is fodder for much longer writings, allow me to simply say that one thing I learned from this experience is my complete Dependence on God.

While I have experienced much discomfort, pain, inability, random swelling, etc. in my left knee, I rejoice that I have healed to the point that I have, and I am able to do infinitely more than the surgeons told me I'd ever be able to again do.

And every year since, on this day when so many of my friends and family light things on fire and celebrate "Independence," I (quite cautiously, sedentarily, and thankfully) celebrate "Dependence."

In John's Gospel, Jesus says these words: "Apart from me, you can do nothing." While this application is  not exactly what he meant, nevertheless for me there is truth in this statement. I can do nothing apart from God. I am nothing apart from God.

I challenge you on this day to reflect on the importance of God in your life, and to give thanks unto the Creator God for blessing you with all that you are and have.

If I could go back in time ten years, amongst lots of other lessons and warnings, I'd tell my 22 year-old self these reminders: "Be safe. And no matter what, remember that God is with you."

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