Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fund times at Camp...

In the spirit of the Olympics, let me talk in "Olympic lingo." Here's the game. I will put all sorts of subtle references to "Olympics" in this blog post. As you read, make note of what some of them may be. Answers will be revealed at the end.

So, the biggest hurdle between our family and the work awaiting us in the Netherlands...is the good ole' dollar.

As in, we need some. :-)

In order for us to stay on track to leave by mid-2013, we need to raise a whole heap of cash.

This process has certainly set out to test our medal.

If you as an individual or congregation would like to contribute towards our ministry, here is a link to do so. Or to the right side of this blog, you will also find the same link. We will gladly accept gold, silver, or bronze.

In an effort to get our crew known and inform the masses about what we are doing, I (Daniel) have started on the Camp Mtg. Circuit.

In the Church of God Reformation Movement, historically the "Camp Meeting" is a pretty important thing. It's a physical time and place for the Church to gather. New believers come to faith in Christ, Individuals with various illnesses and sicknesses receive Healing, People feel the calling of God to enter into various types of ministry.

Believe it or not, the Camp Meeting still has a prominent role in the life of the Church. Most states or regions of the Church of God host annual camps. This past weekend, I visited the Whitehall Camp in Western Pennsylvania.

This camp has great meaning to me, as it is the place where so many of my great friends grew up in faith. Even before I personally knew a thing about the Church of God or its heritage or theology, my college roommate had told me countless stories of how his faith had been shaped at a place called "Whitehall."

Several other close friends and fellow AU classmates also grew up at this camp. It was a place full of great importance and influence to them, and in an indirect manner, it also became one such place in my life.

While at Whitehall this past weekend, the State Pastor (Rebecca New-Edson) introduced me in a brief interview in the Sunday evening service, and I was given the opportunity to share in many private conversations with folks about the work of "Kihms3W."

Beginning tomorrow morning, I will be at the Springfield, OHIO, Camp Meeting for a few days.

During this time, I will at the very least have the opportunity to share in a Missions Conference about 3 Worlds, and about our calling to be a part of this vital ministry. I am quite excited about what the Lord has in store for this camp meeting, as optimism and hospitality have already been extended.

The biggest downside about these "fund times at Camp" is the split-up-ness of Kihms3W. Christy and Sofie missed out on the Whitehall experience, and are going to miss out on the Springfield experience. By the way, for those counting, tomorrow marks 4 weeks of life for Sofie girl! She is proving to be quite the little champion. She likes gymnastics. Handball, not so much.

In addition to praying for us, you can help support us by clicking on this link and contributing financially towards our ministry. But you can also help by sharing us with your pastor and missions leader. Forward this blog to them, or contact us with their name and address and we'll send them some info.

Now, for those of you counting Olympic lingo, here's a rundown:
Olympics (obviously...), hurdle, track, medal, gold, silver, bronze, crew, circuit, physical, four, champion, gymnastics, handball. Did I miss any? Also, apologies for the cheesiness, but get used to it!

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