Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Typical Few Days in our Life...

Typical Few Days in Our Life

What really is "typical?" Certainly nothing in the life of a missionary.

However, the past 48-hours are a pretty condensed summary of our life.

In that span, we have hosted 8 incredible young leaders from the Dutch Church in our home, for our Leadership Training Group. Those relationships and conversations began before the scheduled time, and continued long past "the schedule" said the evening was to end. It's this kind of 'Bonus time' that really is the crux of ministry. Whether Stateside or on the Old Continent, it's during these times that real life is shared and real ministry happens.

We have spent time reading and responding to e-mails, both from "supporting Churches" (US) and from our "ministry Churches" (EU).

Christy has had a Driving Lesson, working towards getting her Dutch license (in a manual transmission).

Dan has worked on next Sunday's sermon.

We have gone to Dutch classes, both with the private tutor we've been meeting with since last year, and the intensive course Dan is currently enrolled in.

We have gotten the mail, and then secondarily translated it, to see if it's a bill or just a notice.

Dan has finished a journal article, submitted for the Dutch and German Vital Christianity.

We have worked on videos for some supporting Churches, and skyped with others.

OH yeah, and we have successfully parented an energetic toddler for another 48 hours! :-)

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