We were interviewed for Church of God Ministries, along with many other new missionaries.
Check it out HERE!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
An American Preachin' to Africans in Europe. Huh?
Part of our site visit included a Sunday. As a minister, not to mention the nature of our visit to the Netherlands, the obvious assumption I made is that I would be asked or expected to preach somewhere. This did not disappoint. In any way.
I was asked to preach at the Congolese Church. This, as I understand, is a congregation that grafted into the Church of God within the past year or so. (See press releases HERE and HERE.)
Furthermore, while being in the Netherlands, this is a truly Non-Western congregation. It is made up largely of immigrants (or children of immigrants) from the Congo, Angola, and Ivory Coast.
One more thing. While being comprised of Dutch citizens/residents, the primary language for most of these people, and therefore the language they worship in, is Français!
The reality of Europe is that the whole continent is so multi-cultural and international in residential makeup. This could be expected, but is still an initial shock to the system for a midwesterner.
Here are a few pictures of our time together.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
We're Famous! Round One
In addition to writing for this blog, we have been doing some other writing recently. Don't get too excited. We're not big-time authors...yet.
But if you'd like a glimpse of our work (so that someday when we are famous, you can feel as if you got in on the ground floor...), check out this link to the November/December 2012 issue of Communion, a publication of the Church of God.
Pages 3 and 4 highlight an article Daniel was asked to write speaking doctrinally about "Family." As Family is an important element in our lives, and we have been blessed with (generally) positive families and family experiences, this was a writing opportunity that came quite easily for him. Especially going into the holiday season, may our positive experiences with "family" be yours as well.
Pages 6 and 7 include us in a broader interview by Kathi Sellers, along with fellow Missionaries-Elect.
Page 8 includes an invitation to think of us and God's Church in the Netherlands during this Christmas season!
In all seriousness, the ministry awaiting us in the Netherlands is dependent upon financial support from individuals and congregations who support us. If you are able to support us, we genuinely appreciate every red cent. No gift is too small or too large if given cheerfully and with good intentions. For proof that I'm not just trying to smooth-talk you, but rather echoing the words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul, read these stories:
If you are able to support our ministry financially (as a One-time gift, or a Recurring gift) and feel impressed to do so, please click HERE and/or contact us for more information.
May this day find you doing well, and tasting and seeing that the Lord is indeed good.
* If for some reason, the Communion link doesn't work, go to www.chog.org, and click on "Publications" under the "Resources" tab on the right side.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
"Your Face....We've Met Before."
Before our site visit to the Netherlands, we were mildly unclear as to how many congregations there actually were in the Church of God in the Netherlands, and how many we would be working with.
For a variety of reasons, a question we had before this site visit was this: How much involvement and partnership will we have with one particular congregation, in Landgraaf? This congregation easily fits the mold of the Traditional Church, and we just didn't know if they were going to be receptive to our ministry with them.
That question was quickly and decidedly answered upon arrival in Holland.
At some point after the initial greeting time, Bert pulled me aside and this conversation ensued...
Bert: "Your face, when you came in our door, I told my wife I know you. We've met before."
Me: (Stunned) "Huh, No, I don't think so."
Bert: "No, really, I remember you. We've met before. I heard you speak."
Me: (Shocked) "Uh....how is that possible? Where did we meet? When was this?!?"
Bert: "In Anderson--"
Me: "--You've been to Anderson!??"
Me: "Why were you in Anderson??"
Bert: "I was there for Walter Froese's celebration. I was on my way to Edmonton (Canada)."
Bert: "At the school. At the seminary."
Bert: "It was in 2010. In February or March."
Thanks be to God for his creativity, his imagination, and his timing (which always seems to amaze...).
For those interested in hearing that SOT Chapel Sermon, here's a link.
For those interested in supporting our ministry in the Netherlands, here's a link.
For a variety of reasons, a question we had before this site visit was this: How much involvement and partnership will we have with one particular congregation, in Landgraaf? This congregation easily fits the mold of the Traditional Church, and we just didn't know if they were going to be receptive to our ministry with them.
That question was quickly and decidedly answered upon arrival in Holland.
Not only did we learn that this congregation had volunteered to host the Unity Service on Saturday evening, but they had also volunteered to host the Fellowship "Bbq" on Friday for pastors and spouses.
The pastor of this congregation is a young man named Bert. His father was this congregation's pastor before him.
L-R: Bert, Dan, Jaap |
The bbq was held at Bert's house, where his wife showed off her amazingly-gifted culinary skills. But that's beside the point of this story. The point of this story is what occurred during Bert and my first (second?) meeting.
Upon entry to his house, I made my way through the room meeting everyone and introducing ourselves.
What happened that evening was so anointed and Spirit-filled that, in truth, I don't remember the specific order of these events.
At some point after the initial greeting time, Bert pulled me aside and this conversation ensued...
* * *
Bert: "Your face, when you came in our door, I told my wife I know you. We've met before."
Me: (Stunned) "Huh, No, I don't think so."
Bert: "No, really, I remember you. We've met before. I heard you speak."
Me: (Thoroughly Perplexed) "Huh?!? Are you serious? When? Where? I really think you're thinking of someone else."
Bert: "No, it was you. I heard you speak one morning. We've met. I know you. When I saw your face, I remembered."
Me: (Shocked) "Uh....how is that possible? Where did we meet? When was this?!?"
Bert: "In Anderson--"
Me: "--You've been to Anderson!??"
Bert: "Yes, for Walter Froese's....(something that I didn't catch because I was so shocked and trying to piece together the impossibility of what he was saying)"
Me: "Why were you in Anderson??"
Bert: "I was there for Walter Froese's celebration. I was on my way to Edmonton (Canada)."
Me: (Absolutely Shocked, spinning the wheels of my brain 100 MPH or 160 KPH trying to figure out if this really could have happened) "Where was this? Where did we meet? Where was I speaking?"
Bert: "At the school. At the seminary."
Me: (Thinking 'Oh my gosh...Could this really have happened? I did speak at the School of Theology Chapel once. But that was only one time and that was in the spring of 2010') "Bert, when was this? When did we meet?"
Bert: "It was in 2010. In February or March."
Me: (Absolutely stunned) "Oh my gosh---I remember that. I preached one time in the Seminary Chapel, and it was in March of 2010. I can't believe this..."
Bert turned to his father, Jaap, and excitedly relayed this conversation in Dutch. The look on his father's face was absolutely priceless as he, too, sought to accept the absolute impossibility of this true "coincidence."
* * *
What is absolutely amazing is that this happened, that these series of past circumstances compounded to spark a connection and partnership in the present and into the future.
In 2010, two months before I went to Berlin with a class led by MaryAnn Hawkins (which in a very real sense got this whole thing started), I was asked to preach in the School of Theology Chapel by the Dean of the Chapel, MaryAnn Hawkins. On this one particular day, a random young man from the Netherlands (related to Gustav Jeeninga) named Bert Hage happened to be in the congregation as he was visiting retiring Church History Professor Walter Froese in Anderson, on his way to Edmonton, Alberta.
Two and a half years later, that young pastor of a Church in the Netherlands would remember the other young pastor who spoke in that chapel service in Anderson as being the same young missionary who walked through the door of his home in Landgraaf.
The two young ministers would instantly bond, recognizing that God was very much a part of their meeting.
Christy and I (and Sofie, of course) left the Netherlands believing that we are going to have as strong of a partnership with this congregation as we are any of the other congregations we are going to be working with in the Netherlands.
Thanks be to God for his creativity, his imagination, and his timing (which always seems to amaze...).
For those interested in hearing that SOT Chapel Sermon, here's a link.
For those interested in supporting our ministry in the Netherlands, here's a link.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
You're Up for Europe? We were.
From October 15 to October 25, we were in Germany and The Netherlands for our "site visit."
This was an amazing experience for us.
a.) It gave us some more good experience traveling with an infant.
2.) It allowed us invaluable time to plan and process life and ministry, and future life and ministry, with our Regional Coordinators (Jamie & Patrick Nachtigall), Fellow Three Worlds Teammates (Dave & Kathy Simpson, and Rhonda Philips), and friend/supporter (Andrew Gale).
c.) It gave us ridiculous amounts of Confirmation, Affirmation, Inspiration, Encouragement, and Excitement for what the LORD is doing in the Netherlands!
COMING SOON: You will hear many stories of our experiences, with pictures. :-)
But for now, let me say THANK YOU to those who have already supported us and for all who have kept us in your prayers. Safe travels accompanied us, and things couldn't have gone any better all across the board.
In the meantime, Here's a link to the Three Worlds blog, where our bosses wrote about our visit.
This was an amazing experience for us.
a.) It gave us some more good experience traveling with an infant.
Sofie passed out with exhaustion, even before we crossed this bridge into old Cologne, Germany. We stayed in Cologne en route to Holland! |
2.) It allowed us invaluable time to plan and process life and ministry, and future life and ministry, with our Regional Coordinators (Jamie & Patrick Nachtigall), Fellow Three Worlds Teammates (Dave & Kathy Simpson, and Rhonda Philips), and friend/supporter (Andrew Gale).
Left-Right (Rhonda, Kathy, Christian P., Dave, Patrick, Jamie, Marco N., Christy, Dan, and Sofie!) Photo Courtesy of Photographer Extraordinaire, Andrew Gale |
SIX congregations + 1 RC + 3 Missionaries + 1 Supporting Pastor = Fellowship before Worship! Note the precious pink balloon. |
COMING SOON: You will hear many stories of our experiences, with pictures. :-)
But for now, let me say THANK YOU to those who have already supported us and for all who have kept us in your prayers. Safe travels accompanied us, and things couldn't have gone any better all across the board.
In the meantime, Here's a link to the Three Worlds blog, where our bosses wrote about our visit.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Local Living Links...
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, I gave a presentation on our calling to serve as missionaries with the Three Worlds team, specifically in the Netherlands.
In that presentation, I said that we Love the Local Church, wherever she is found, be that in the Netherlands, or be that wherever we may be visiting with for ministry partnership.
In the past few months (sorry for lack of posts---been a wee bit busy), we've had the privilege to visit with some of our Living Link congregations.
First, a brief explanation of "Living Link:" In short, Living Link is the Church of God program for supporting missionaries. An individual or a congregation signs on to be a Living Link partner with us, and they have a vital connection with our ministry. But in addition to just giving towards our support, they have a "Living Link" and are brought into relationship with us and are enabled to have more of a direct connection with our family and our ministry.
Secondly, we've been at three of our Living Link congregations, the first one in Germantown, OH; the second one in Pasadena, TX; and the third being Maple Grove Church of God in Anderson, IN.

This congregation made a splash in our pond even as early as NAC, pledging to support us with their Faith Promise budget! We thoroughly enjoyed our time with them one weekend in September, and are looking forward to a lengthy partnership!
We also have been sharing at another congregation that is quite near and dear to our hearts: Maple Grove Church of God in Anderson!
Maple Grove is a fabulous place to celebrate World Communion Sunday and be challenged and stimulated towards missions and all things Faith Promise! Okay, okay, we're a bit biased. :-) But look at it like this: It takes a special congregation to make room in their budget to continue financially supporting their pastor after he leaves them! That is exactly what Maple Grove is doing--After 7-8 years as their pastor, we are leaving...And they are continuing to support our ministry even when it's based in the Netherlands! What a gift for "Pastor Appreciation Month!" What a snapshot of Holy Love!
Notice the flag on the front Left side of the picture!
Before I mention the third congregation we've shared with recently, allow me to say briefly what it means to us to be supported in a Living Link relationship.
The World.
Literally. Our ministry in the Netherlands, to which God has called us and prepared us, literally cannot happen without individuals and congregations coming alongside us and entering into a Living Link relationship with us.
For those of you who have already done this, let me say to you one more time: "Thank You." Not only is this necessary for the starting up of this ministry, but it is vitally necessary for the long-term health and sustainability of this ministry. In the meantime, too, know that Living Link relationships really keep us going during this arduous task of raising support, all while balancing the many other responsibilities of Life, Work, and Parenthood.
If you are considering becoming a Living Link with us, please pray about this, and then click HERE.
In all seriousness, please e-mail us (address also to the right of this blog post); Contact Global Missions Office (dtaylor@chog.org); And/or forward this blog link on to your Pastor or Missions Team. If you go with this third option, please e-mail us too so we can follow up with them. We know how busy and inundated with information pastors can be.
Now as for that third congregation I promised to tell you about...
Parkgate Community Church in Pasadena (Houston), Texas really has been instrumental in getting us off the ground and keeping us encouraged through this process.
Their pastor, Jim, was just ahead of Dan in seminary. He not only gave us ample time to share about our ministry, he also entrusted the Sunday morning sermon to Dan. It was truly a joy to be with this congregation for a whirlwind of a weekend in early October, and we look forward to a lengthy partnership with them as we all follow God's call on our lives to share the Gospel and make Disciples as we go.
![]() |
Such a whirlwind was this weekend that the only picture with Pastor Jim occurred as he was dropping us back off at the airport to head home to the Midwest! |
This congregation not only brought us to them, hosted us in superb fashion (thanks Spillers!), pledged to be a Living Link with us, but they also really rolled out the red carpet by printing and displaying a huge picture of our family on their Faith Promise wall! Now if that doesn't make you feel special, I don't know what does! And no, for the record, I'm wearing different shirts.
That's a glimpse into what we've been up to (in our spare time) to get this new ministry up and running. Thank you for your prayers during this time--we couldn't do it without them.
Thank you for your financial support as well-again, we couldn't do it without it.
Look for more updates soon!!!!
Until then, click HERE and wait for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to prompt you as to which button to click on!!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Northern Exposure
On Saturday August 11th, I made a short little drive up to Canada.
Canada, eh? Yep, Canada.
That afternoon, I visited Fairview Church of God in Toronto.
Canada, eh? Yep, Canada.
I was a guest in the home of Sieg & Margit Pudel for a few days before returning to holy ground that I first set foot on four years ago: Family Camp for the Church of God in Eastern Canada.
Sunday Aug. 12, I visited with the Hope Community Church of God in Brampton. This was a great way to experience Three Worlds. This congregation is very much an example of the Post-Modern, Post-Christian world.
In addition to being a diverse blend of folks from all around the world, they represent different ages and life experiences, too. This congregation assembles in a rented community center in a town center. Aside from the name, there is virtually nothing "Traditional World" about this congregation!
I shared with them about the Three-Worlds Team, and concept. And, of course, our journey towards Holland and the ministry that awaits us. For a run-down of those details, see here.
That afternoon, I visited Fairview Church of God in Toronto.
If you are thinking, "WOW--that building looks too good to be used by only one congregation," You are the Winner! In fact, this congregation rents space in this beautifully traditional property along with...SIX other congregations! See the "church sign" beneath!
The neat thing about this rental reality is that it allows a diverse swath of faith groups to worship in a "holy (set-apart)" place. What a picture of inclusion and unity! The Church of God meets for worship on Sunday afternoons @ 3 pm, with the leadership of Roger Bitner guiding them.
Here I am with Pastor Roger Bitner in their traditional worship space. For those of you familiar with Maple Grove, I felt right at home in this beautiful space! I had a great time getting to know Roger and his wife Deanna better, and they made me feel welcome in Toronto.
But perhaps the coolest feature of time with this congregation (the icing on the cake) is the congregation itself. While worshipping in a Traditional setting, this congregation epitomizes both the other worlds of Christianity: a Post-modern Post Christendom world and a Non-Western world.
This congregation illustrates the Post-modern Post-Christendom world in that they don't go the traditional route of having their own property (with all the joys and burdens that entails...), but rather they are more of a Church without walls, sort of. :-)
Additionally, though, I mentioned this congregation is Non-Western. The vast majority of this congregation are immigrants from Sri Lanka! If you do not stay abreast of global news, here are a few links to learn more about the plight of Sri Lankans.
Compassion International Blog Posts in Sri Lanka.
BBC Report from April 2011.
BBC Country Profile.
In addition to the Sri Lankan flavour to the blend of this excellent congregation, there were Americans, Canadians, Indians, South Koreans and Chinese mixed in.
This was truly a microcosm of God's Church!
What a beautiful mix of folks assembled not because of identical cultural, political or preferential reasons, but rather assembled under the one banner of God's Beloved Church.
If you can't tell, I really enjoyed worshipping with this congregation. I shared with them during the conclusion of their VBS program about the importance of Following Jesus as he leads you. No matter how scary or intimidating or sacrificial that may seem, God will provide for you and God will look out for you, for "he has plans to give us Hope and a Future."
One more thing that made time with this congregation such a treat....FOOD! I'm a sucker for potluck times of fellowship (Surprise!), and they didn't let me down.
![]() |
My first "StopLight" Sandwich. Yum-yum. |
Thank you, Fairview Church of God, for allowing me to taste and see that the Lord is good.
Monday, I made my way to the Family Camp @ Maple Grove. A good time was had by one and all as Steve Rennick brought very challenging and encouraging Words from the Lord.
I was extended great hospitality by my brothers and sisters, especially the Pudels and Wiebes (and Aunt Linda). In addition to personal conversations, I was privileged to share a presentation on behalf of both the Church of God Peace Fellowship and Kihms3w!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Fund times at Camp...
In the spirit of the Olympics, let me talk in "Olympic lingo." Here's the game. I will put all sorts of subtle references to "Olympics" in this blog post. As you read, make note of what some of them may be. Answers will be revealed at the end.
So, the biggest hurdle between our family and the work awaiting us in the Netherlands...is the good ole' dollar.
As in, we need some. :-)
In order for us to stay on track to leave by mid-2013, we need to raise a whole heap of cash.
This process has certainly set out to test our medal.
If you as an individual or congregation would like to contribute towards our ministry, here is a link to do so. Or to the right side of this blog, you will also find the same link. We will gladly accept gold, silver, or bronze.
In an effort to get our crew known and inform the masses about what we are doing, I (Daniel) have started on the Camp Mtg. Circuit.
In the Church of God Reformation Movement, historically the "Camp Meeting" is a pretty important thing. It's a physical time and place for the Church to gather. New believers come to faith in Christ, Individuals with various illnesses and sicknesses receive Healing, People feel the calling of God to enter into various types of ministry.
Believe it or not, the Camp Meeting still has a prominent role in the life of the Church. Most states or regions of the Church of God host annual camps. This past weekend, I visited the Whitehall Camp in Western Pennsylvania.
This camp has great meaning to me, as it is the place where so many of my great friends grew up in faith. Even before I personally knew a thing about the Church of God or its heritage or theology, my college roommate had told me countless stories of how his faith had been shaped at a place called "Whitehall."
Several other close friends and fellow AU classmates also grew up at this camp. It was a place full of great importance and influence to them, and in an indirect manner, it also became one such place in my life.
While at Whitehall this past weekend, the State Pastor (Rebecca New-Edson) introduced me in a brief interview in the Sunday evening service, and I was given the opportunity to share in many private conversations with folks about the work of "Kihms3W."
Beginning tomorrow morning, I will be at the Springfield, OHIO, Camp Meeting for a few days.
During this time, I will at the very least have the opportunity to share in a Missions Conference about 3 Worlds, and about our calling to be a part of this vital ministry. I am quite excited about what the Lord has in store for this camp meeting, as optimism and hospitality have already been extended.
The biggest downside about these "fund times at Camp" is the split-up-ness of Kihms3W. Christy and Sofie missed out on the Whitehall experience, and are going to miss out on the Springfield experience. By the way, for those counting, tomorrow marks 4 weeks of life for Sofie girl! She is proving to be quite the little champion. She likes gymnastics. Handball, not so much.
In addition to praying for us, you can help support us by clicking on this link and contributing financially towards our ministry. But you can also help by sharing us with your pastor and missions leader. Forward this blog to them, or contact us with their name and address and we'll send them some info.
Now, for those of you counting Olympic lingo, here's a rundown:
Olympics (obviously...), hurdle, track, medal, gold, silver, bronze, crew, circuit, physical, four, champion, gymnastics, handball. Did I miss any? Also, apologies for the cheesiness, but get used to it!
So, the biggest hurdle between our family and the work awaiting us in the Netherlands...is the good ole' dollar.
As in, we need some. :-)
In order for us to stay on track to leave by mid-2013, we need to raise a whole heap of cash.
This process has certainly set out to test our medal.
If you as an individual or congregation would like to contribute towards our ministry, here is a link to do so. Or to the right side of this blog, you will also find the same link. We will gladly accept gold, silver, or bronze.
In an effort to get our crew known and inform the masses about what we are doing, I (Daniel) have started on the Camp Mtg. Circuit.
In the Church of God Reformation Movement, historically the "Camp Meeting" is a pretty important thing. It's a physical time and place for the Church to gather. New believers come to faith in Christ, Individuals with various illnesses and sicknesses receive Healing, People feel the calling of God to enter into various types of ministry.
Believe it or not, the Camp Meeting still has a prominent role in the life of the Church. Most states or regions of the Church of God host annual camps. This past weekend, I visited the Whitehall Camp in Western Pennsylvania.
This camp has great meaning to me, as it is the place where so many of my great friends grew up in faith. Even before I personally knew a thing about the Church of God or its heritage or theology, my college roommate had told me countless stories of how his faith had been shaped at a place called "Whitehall."
Several other close friends and fellow AU classmates also grew up at this camp. It was a place full of great importance and influence to them, and in an indirect manner, it also became one such place in my life.
While at Whitehall this past weekend, the State Pastor (Rebecca New-Edson) introduced me in a brief interview in the Sunday evening service, and I was given the opportunity to share in many private conversations with folks about the work of "Kihms3W."
Beginning tomorrow morning, I will be at the Springfield, OHIO, Camp Meeting for a few days.
During this time, I will at the very least have the opportunity to share in a Missions Conference about 3 Worlds, and about our calling to be a part of this vital ministry. I am quite excited about what the Lord has in store for this camp meeting, as optimism and hospitality have already been extended.
The biggest downside about these "fund times at Camp" is the split-up-ness of Kihms3W. Christy and Sofie missed out on the Whitehall experience, and are going to miss out on the Springfield experience. By the way, for those counting, tomorrow marks 4 weeks of life for Sofie girl! She is proving to be quite the little champion. She likes gymnastics. Handball, not so much.
In addition to praying for us, you can help support us by clicking on this link and contributing financially towards our ministry. But you can also help by sharing us with your pastor and missions leader. Forward this blog to them, or contact us with their name and address and we'll send them some info.
Now, for those of you counting Olympic lingo, here's a rundown:
Olympics (obviously...), hurdle, track, medal, gold, silver, bronze, crew, circuit, physical, four, champion, gymnastics, handball. Did I miss any? Also, apologies for the cheesiness, but get used to it!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
THREE WORLDS...Explained, Part Two...
By now, you've heard and seen "Three Worlds" a number of times.
Hopefully you read my earlier blog post beginning to explain "Three Worlds."
Let me continue explaining this revolutionary approach to missions.
And no, I don't mean "Catholics, Baptists, and Church of God folks."
The three worlds of Christian faith are these:
1.) The Traditional Church
2.) The Post-modern/Post-Christendom Church
3.) The Non-Western/Acts 2 Church
Stay Tuned for Part Three of Three Worlds Explained.
Hopefully you read my earlier blog post beginning to explain "Three Worlds."
Let me continue explaining this revolutionary approach to missions.
In addition to having an in-built system of support and accountability (our Three Worlds Team), we will be living and working within three very different worlds of Christian faith.
And no, I don't mean "Catholics, Baptists, and Church of God folks."
The three worlds of Christian faith are these:
1.) The Traditional Church
2.) The Post-modern/Post-Christendom Church
3.) The Non-Western/Acts 2 Church
The Traditional Church is the Church in which I was raised, and (largely) the Church in which I have ministered over the past decade. This is the Church that is established and accepted in its local context. People understand you when you say, "I'm going to Church," and they don't automatically look down upon you for doing so. This is the Church that still (largely) exists in the MidWest of the USA. But it is on the decline as the society around it continues to evolve and morph into something other than Mayberry (RIP Sheriff Taylor).
The Post-Modern/Post-Christendom Church is the Church in which we will largely be working in Europe. It is the Church that struggles to exist and maintain its identity as distinctive and holy in the midst of an ever-encroaching surrounding culture of Secularism. The culture around this Church is no longer understanding and accepting of the Church. People are less likely to understand you when you say "I'm going to Church," and if they do, in light of scandals and the ongoing science-faith battle, they are more inclined to look down upon you or write you off as uneducated. This Church has a struggle on its hands to make inroads with the surrounding culture(s) and display the Church to be something positive and something worthwhile in the 21st Century.
The Non-Western, or Acts 2, Church is the Church that is largely comprised of new believers, many from outside "the West," and many who don't struggle to reconcile Christian faith with their historical culture. Faith is easy for this Church and they have little difficulty believing in a supernatural God who works in ways Science and Reason cannot make sense of.
I want to be very clear about something.
All THREE of these expressions of the Church are right.
The issue is not that one's better than the other, and we're trying to support just that one while quietly allowing the other two to fade into oblivion. That's not the case at all! The reality is that since all three exist, we must seek to support and strengthen all three, and allow the Spirit to continue to blow as it will.
Within the context of the Netherlands, and Europe/TME, Christy and I (and Sofie...) will be forced to operate within and minister to all three of these different worlds of Christian faith regularly.
In addition to doing this because it is what the Lord has called us to do, and in addition to supporting and equipping specifically the "Post-Christendom" Church because they need help navigating their secular culture while maintaining their distinctive, holy (Gk.: "set-apart") faith, let me tell you one more reason why what we are going to do is important.
The Traditional Church of Today is the Post-Modern/Post-Christendom Church of Tomorrow.
With the de-evolution of Mayberry here in the MidWest (USA), for example, the Role of, the Identity of, and the Importance of the Church is ever changing as well.
Hopefully what we will experience, and the responsive methods we will develop can be effective in ministering to the Post-Christendom Church of Today in Europe/TME. And hopefully this experience can better lead us to help guide the Post-Christendom Church of Tomorrow, which is currently the Traditional Church of Today.
Stay Tuned for Part Three of Three Worlds Explained.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Introducing Sofie Rose Kihm!
Friends, please meet our new daughter!!!
Sofie Rose Kihm was born on Wednesday 11 July 2012 @ St. John's Hospital in Anderson, IN.
She weighed in at 8 lb. 4 oz., measuring 21 inches. Mom and Baby are both doing great.
We look forward to introducing our sweet daughter to the goodness of the Lord and the people of God.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tenth Anniversary: DEpendence Day
Ten Years Ago, right now, where were you at? What were you doing?
I'll forever remember exactly where I was on 4 July 2002.
I was in Evert, MI, working at Spring Hill Camp. Lunch had finished, and I had gone with my 7th grade boys to the Activity Field.
Ten years ago, almost to this exact minute, I was lying on the field writhing in agony, unable to move my left leg.
Two surgeries and innumerable PT sessions later, here I am: Ten years removed from shattering my left kneecap.
I wasn't doing anything reckless. I wasn't doing anything dangerous. I was simply running across a field when my quadricep muscles randomly overpowered my left patella and snapped it in two.
And, to be realistically dramatic, my life was changed forevermore.
The remainder of that summer saw me lying on a bed allowing my knee to heal, not bending it or putting any weight on my left leg. I was given ample time to wrestle with God, a la Jacob.
"WHY did this happen to me?!" While that is fodder for much longer writings, allow me to simply say that one thing I learned from this experience is my complete Dependence on God.
While I have experienced much discomfort, pain, inability, random swelling, etc. in my left knee, I rejoice that I have healed to the point that I have, and I am able to do infinitely more than the surgeons told me I'd ever be able to again do.
And every year since, on this day when so many of my friends and family light things on fire and celebrate "Independence," I (quite cautiously, sedentarily, and thankfully) celebrate "Dependence."
In John's Gospel, Jesus says these words: "Apart from me, you can do nothing." While this application is not exactly what he meant, nevertheless for me there is truth in this statement. I can do nothing apart from God. I am nothing apart from God.
I challenge you on this day to reflect on the importance of God in your life, and to give thanks unto the Creator God for blessing you with all that you are and have.
If I could go back in time ten years, amongst lots of other lessons and warnings, I'd tell my 22 year-old self these reminders: "Be safe. And no matter what, remember that God is with you."
Monday, July 2, 2012
THREE WORLDS...Explained, Part One...
By now, you've probably heard Christy and I say "Three Worlds" this and "Three Worlds" that a number of times.
I know some of you are quite familiar with "Three Worlds," and others, not so much.
HERE is a link to the website for Three Worlds. (I've actually put many links in the above lines, so happy clicking--All roads lead to Oz).
In a nutshell, aside from our specific responsibilities in The Netherlands, we will be a part of the Three Worlds Team.
What this means is that we will be functioning alongside the other Church of God Missionaries working in the region of "Europe & The Middle East." We will be a built-in support and accountability system for one another. Thus, none of us will be working in Isolation.
This is a very healthy method of doing ministry. However, if you have experience in ministry, or are familiar with ministers, chances are you will readily agree that this is sadly quite unusual!
Over the past 7 years of serving as a Senior Pastor in Anderson, IN, I've known entirely too many ministers who experience burn-out, frustration, and develop unhealthy outlets for stress (or suffer unhealthy results of stress). In addition to personal fizzling-out, this wreaks havoc on families. And congregations. And further contributes to a negative view of Christ and the Church.
Part of the Team-based approach of Three Worlds is intended to curb these typical results, and prolong the health of the individual ministers in the region as well as the congregations we will be serving.
Stay Tuned for Part Two of Three Worlds Explained.
I know some of you are quite familiar with "Three Worlds," and others, not so much.
HERE is a link to the website for Three Worlds. (I've actually put many links in the above lines, so happy clicking--All roads lead to Oz).
In a nutshell, aside from our specific responsibilities in The Netherlands, we will be a part of the Three Worlds Team.
What this means is that we will be functioning alongside the other Church of God Missionaries working in the region of "Europe & The Middle East." We will be a built-in support and accountability system for one another. Thus, none of us will be working in Isolation.
This is a very healthy method of doing ministry. However, if you have experience in ministry, or are familiar with ministers, chances are you will readily agree that this is sadly quite unusual!
Over the past 7 years of serving as a Senior Pastor in Anderson, IN, I've known entirely too many ministers who experience burn-out, frustration, and develop unhealthy outlets for stress (or suffer unhealthy results of stress). In addition to personal fizzling-out, this wreaks havoc on families. And congregations. And further contributes to a negative view of Christ and the Church.
Part of the Team-based approach of Three Worlds is intended to curb these typical results, and prolong the health of the individual ministers in the region as well as the congregations we will be serving.
Stay Tuned for Part Two of Three Worlds Explained.
Friday, June 29, 2012
So great a Cloud of Witnesses
"You Will Be Discouraged..."
After we were commissioned Tuesday evening, Bob Edwards told us the above quote. But after telling us that we will be discouraged, he said this, "And when you are, remember this night, and remember this cloud of witnesses."
Of course he was talking about the men and women who comprised the 1000+ member audience.
Of course he was also talking about the famous passage of Hebrews 11.
Hebrews 11 lists the "hall of fame of the faith," as it's been called, telling the stories of many men and women of (biblical) antiquity who lived and died as martyrs, that is, witnesses.
The various heroes listed have one thing in common: They lived their lives having Faith in God, and being faithful to God's calling upon their lives, no matter the outcome.
Similarly, the audience was comprised of many great men and women. Granted, I don't know who everyone was, but I do know who many of them were.
There were many of my personal heroes in that crowd, individuals who've faithfully given YEARS to ministerial service; individuals who've faithfully given YEARS to faithful worship and obedience to Christ; not to mention couples who've demonstrated how to faithfully love and honour one another for YEARS.
I am not naive or inexperienced enough to think that we will never be discouraged. I know that Bob shared wisdom when he promised that discouragement will come.
But Christy and I will never forget the night in June 2012 when we were Commissioned to serve as Missionaries. And when we think of that night, we will remember our friends and family who sacrificed to invest in our lives and afford us the opportunities we've had; and we will remember our friends and family who sacrificed their time to celebrate with us, to pray for us, and to send us out in Faith.
Thank you for being in our cloud!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Anointed & Sent Out
Just what does that word mean?
Throughout this day, I personally heard this word used many times. In different ways.
This afternoon, I helped lead a conference @ NAC with Jared Fields and the Camp-Meeting speaker himself, David Aukerman!
The conference was on interpreting "Difficult Texts of the Bible," and we looked at the story of Judges 11:29-40: Jepthah's Daughter.
Amongst many other things, we talked about what it meant for Jepthah to have "the Spirit of the LORD upon him."
We noted the distinction between the role of the Spirit in the Hebrew Testament and the role of the Spirit in our day and age, beginning in Acts 2. In contrast to the ongoing indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers, the ancient Israelite understanding was that the Spirit's presence was more of a transient experience.
It could be here today, gone tomorrow.
Using King Saul as an example, Jared noted how he was clearly appointed by God to serve as King, for a time. But then later he was not "God's man" anymore. In both the Hebraic and Pentecost-al view of the Spirit's presence, "anointing" is the symbol.
After Saul, when David (the shepherd boy, not Brother Aukerman) was chosen by God to serve as the next King of Ancient Israel, Nathan the Prophet visited him in his father's house and he...anointed him.
The oil used in the practice of anointing was to be symbolic of the Spirit of God choosing that individual.
This evening's service saw the Reverend Diana Swoope bringing the Word!
But before this, the worship leader read from James 5, and invited any who desired to be Anointed to make their way to designated individuals who were waiting to anoint & pray over people.
Many people got up and received anointing for a multitude of reasons, I'm sure.
Then when Diana approached the pulpit, she read from Luke chapter 4: The words of the Isaiah Scroll that Jesus read to his hometown congregation.
In this reading, Jesus stated that "the Spirit of the LORD was upon him, for he had been anointed to proclaim good news to the poor..."
She proclaimed to us "The Holy Spirit does not anoint us just to sing to ourselves or make us comfortable." Rather, "The Holy Spirit anoints us to send us out to be a help to this world."
Picking up on the phrase, "the poor," Diana made this interesting statement:
"In the Holy Spirit, there is no Third-World Country."
I can't begin to tell you how many conversations I've had recently about Christy and I being called to serve God in the Netherlands. In this, many times people have commented about this location not being one riddled by poverty and, therefore, "great need."
First off, in stark contrast to the lack of physical poverty, the spiritual poverty is huge.
How do you convince someone they need God when all their needs are met, and they are comfortable?
How do you help them realize God's love for them when life is already going good?
This is precisely one of the main reasons why the Church of God does need the 3 Worlds team plugging away in Europe. Because we, too, have been anointed to proclaim good news to the poor!
Secondly, for Christy and I, today is a big day. Today, Tuesday June 26th, we will officially be Commissioned by the Church to serve as Missionaries.
Why this is important is because it allows the Community of Faith to recognize what God has already done! The Spirit of the LORD has already Anointed us to serve in this purpose and to be sent out as a help to the world!
The Greek word "apostello" translates as "one who is commissioned, one who is sent out with a purpose." And so we are. In 18 hours we will be commissioned so that we can be sent out with this purpose.
Just what does that word mean?
Throughout this day, I personally heard this word used many times. In different ways.
This afternoon, I helped lead a conference @ NAC with Jared Fields and the Camp-Meeting speaker himself, David Aukerman!
The conference was on interpreting "Difficult Texts of the Bible," and we looked at the story of Judges 11:29-40: Jepthah's Daughter.
Amongst many other things, we talked about what it meant for Jepthah to have "the Spirit of the LORD upon him."
We noted the distinction between the role of the Spirit in the Hebrew Testament and the role of the Spirit in our day and age, beginning in Acts 2. In contrast to the ongoing indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers, the ancient Israelite understanding was that the Spirit's presence was more of a transient experience.
It could be here today, gone tomorrow.
Using King Saul as an example, Jared noted how he was clearly appointed by God to serve as King, for a time. But then later he was not "God's man" anymore. In both the Hebraic and Pentecost-al view of the Spirit's presence, "anointing" is the symbol.
After Saul, when David (the shepherd boy, not Brother Aukerman) was chosen by God to serve as the next King of Ancient Israel, Nathan the Prophet visited him in his father's house and he...anointed him.
The oil used in the practice of anointing was to be symbolic of the Spirit of God choosing that individual.
This evening's service saw the Reverend Diana Swoope bringing the Word!
But before this, the worship leader read from James 5, and invited any who desired to be Anointed to make their way to designated individuals who were waiting to anoint & pray over people.
Many people got up and received anointing for a multitude of reasons, I'm sure.
Then when Diana approached the pulpit, she read from Luke chapter 4: The words of the Isaiah Scroll that Jesus read to his hometown congregation.
In this reading, Jesus stated that "the Spirit of the LORD was upon him, for he had been anointed to proclaim good news to the poor..."
She proclaimed to us "The Holy Spirit does not anoint us just to sing to ourselves or make us comfortable." Rather, "The Holy Spirit anoints us to send us out to be a help to this world."
Picking up on the phrase, "the poor," Diana made this interesting statement:
"In the Holy Spirit, there is no Third-World Country."
I can't begin to tell you how many conversations I've had recently about Christy and I being called to serve God in the Netherlands. In this, many times people have commented about this location not being one riddled by poverty and, therefore, "great need."
First off, in stark contrast to the lack of physical poverty, the spiritual poverty is huge.
How do you convince someone they need God when all their needs are met, and they are comfortable?
How do you help them realize God's love for them when life is already going good?
This is precisely one of the main reasons why the Church of God does need the 3 Worlds team plugging away in Europe. Because we, too, have been anointed to proclaim good news to the poor!
Secondly, for Christy and I, today is a big day. Today, Tuesday June 26th, we will officially be Commissioned by the Church to serve as Missionaries.
Why this is important is because it allows the Community of Faith to recognize what God has already done! The Spirit of the LORD has already Anointed us to serve in this purpose and to be sent out as a help to the world!
The Greek word "apostello" translates as "one who is commissioned, one who is sent out with a purpose." And so we are. In 18 hours we will be commissioned so that we can be sent out with this purpose.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Radical Obedience...
I (Daniel) will confess: I love NAC. Really. That sounds like the punchline for a "You Might Be a Pastor/Bible-Nerd If..." Here's My Sign, I guess.
After a service of praise and worship and great preaching, the interactions with friends old and new, I was already on Cloud Nine.
But then it was that time again...the time every summer for the past several that I look forward to so that I can "get my blessing," or find complete Rest and get re-charged: The Heritage Hymn Sing.
It's always such a wonderful time to gather with hundreds+ of (mostly) old folks singing cherished hymns of faith and listening to guys like Arlo Newell tell tales of bygone heroes, men and women of CHOG renown. But this year I actually missed part of it. But it was worth it to see God move.
A friend, who shall remain nameless, aside from the description of being "a poor college kid," came in and tapped me on the shoulder. He saw me and wanted to say "hi" and congratulations on the due-any-week-now baby. Knowing that he would be quite excited to hear about the other big piece of news in our lives, I jumped up and took him outside to talk for a few minutes.
I quickly filled him in on what God was doing and where we were at with it all.
And then he did something I could not have expected.
We talked for a moment about how Hector Gonzalez had spoken of surrendering 100% to Christ, not 50%, not 99%, but 100%.
And he told me how he was learning to do that.
He told me that he felt God telling him to give me whatever was in his wallet to go towards our fund-raising.
And then he opened his wallet and pulled out a wad of cash and put it in my hand.
I quickly shoved it in my pocket and told him that I couldn't even look at it now or count it, or I'd start crying. But I knew that God would bless him beyond all measure for his obedience.
I didn't know the amount, and that's irrelevant. The point is he gave all he had, not because it was some magical amount that "we needed," and not because it was some magical amount that would qualify him to be described as an Elite level of supporter. He gave it all because that is what his Lord directed him to do.
I love when Followers of Christ actually follow Christ. It's so refreshing. Even when it doesn't make sense.
That one act of radical obedience was more than enough to encourage me and send me back out into the world. All from a poor college kid. Maybe my friend, Justin Wallace, is right: "If we're going to change the world it has to start with the college campus."
Anyway, long-story short, I just got home and counted it. Unbelievable. For a poor college kid, working his tail off to pay for school, this was certainly more than just a "widow's mite."
God bless my friend, and all, who actually practice Radical Obedience.
After a service of praise and worship and great preaching, the interactions with friends old and new, I was already on Cloud Nine.
But then it was that time again...the time every summer for the past several that I look forward to so that I can "get my blessing," or find complete Rest and get re-charged: The Heritage Hymn Sing.
It's always such a wonderful time to gather with hundreds+ of (mostly) old folks singing cherished hymns of faith and listening to guys like Arlo Newell tell tales of bygone heroes, men and women of CHOG renown. But this year I actually missed part of it. But it was worth it to see God move.
A friend, who shall remain nameless, aside from the description of being "a poor college kid," came in and tapped me on the shoulder. He saw me and wanted to say "hi" and congratulations on the due-any-week-now baby. Knowing that he would be quite excited to hear about the other big piece of news in our lives, I jumped up and took him outside to talk for a few minutes.
I quickly filled him in on what God was doing and where we were at with it all.
And then he did something I could not have expected.
We talked for a moment about how Hector Gonzalez had spoken of surrendering 100% to Christ, not 50%, not 99%, but 100%.
And he told me how he was learning to do that.
He told me that he felt God telling him to give me whatever was in his wallet to go towards our fund-raising.
And then he opened his wallet and pulled out a wad of cash and put it in my hand.
I quickly shoved it in my pocket and told him that I couldn't even look at it now or count it, or I'd start crying. But I knew that God would bless him beyond all measure for his obedience.
I didn't know the amount, and that's irrelevant. The point is he gave all he had, not because it was some magical amount that "we needed," and not because it was some magical amount that would qualify him to be described as an Elite level of supporter. He gave it all because that is what his Lord directed him to do.
I love when Followers of Christ actually follow Christ. It's so refreshing. Even when it doesn't make sense.
That one act of radical obedience was more than enough to encourage me and send me back out into the world. All from a poor college kid. Maybe my friend, Justin Wallace, is right: "If we're going to change the world it has to start with the college campus."
Anyway, long-story short, I just got home and counted it. Unbelievable. For a poor college kid, working his tail off to pay for school, this was certainly more than just a "widow's mite."
God bless my friend, and all, who actually practice Radical Obedience.
Friday, June 22, 2012
We Have Name Badges!!!
North American Convention in Anderson has finally arrived. It's been a whirlwind day filled with meetings and gatherings of various sorts. The day has already been a great blessing to rub shoulders with many friends new and old, and with many folks who have invested in us over the years, and really have a large part in helping us get to the point we are at today.
The day began with us getting official Name Badges!!! Well, officially getting name badges---the "official" name badges are due to arrive Monday. Anyway, we have badges that say our names and "Missionary Elect to the Netherlands!"
The excitement has really hit that this is actually happening!
Many people have asked us "WHAT will you be doing?" So here's a brief introduction.
First, let me preface this by saying that this is all new to us as well, and we can't succinctly define what we'll be doing. However, we will be members of the Three Worlds team of missionaries to Europe & The Middle East. This is a really revolutionary approach to global ministry. We will be partnering with many other missionary couples in the region to host various events: student groups, internships, conferences, youth camps, etc. Also, we will function as a team providing support and accountability to one another as we journey together to expand the breadth of the Kingdom of God.
Secondly, Christy and I will be working to support the National Leadership of the Church of God in the Netherlands. Additionally, we will be providing theological training and pastoral mentoring to emerging leaders. We are quite excited about these opportunities to partner with those already in leadership, and offer any support and encouragement we can.
In a nutshell, that is what we will be doing. Of course that doesn't do justice to it, but as with all ministry, much of our work will be relational, and therefore, not easily quantifiable or objective. Please feel free to contact us, as we would be more than happy to answer any questions and share more in private conversations!
Lastly, but also importantly, we are in need of support. Please lift us up in prayer that God will open doors for us to continue down this path. Also, we are in need of financial support. I know, I know...but in fairness, you had to know this was coming! Since we are commissioned by the Church of God, all funding is channeled through Global Missions of the Church of God. Our Project # is: 42.10041. Please contact Debbie Taylor, Living Link administrator, at DTaylor@chog.org or (800) 848-2464, ext. 2129.
The day began with us getting official Name Badges!!! Well, officially getting name badges---the "official" name badges are due to arrive Monday. Anyway, we have badges that say our names and "Missionary Elect to the Netherlands!"
The excitement has really hit that this is actually happening!
Many people have asked us "WHAT will you be doing?" So here's a brief introduction.
First, let me preface this by saying that this is all new to us as well, and we can't succinctly define what we'll be doing. However, we will be members of the Three Worlds team of missionaries to Europe & The Middle East. This is a really revolutionary approach to global ministry. We will be partnering with many other missionary couples in the region to host various events: student groups, internships, conferences, youth camps, etc. Also, we will function as a team providing support and accountability to one another as we journey together to expand the breadth of the Kingdom of God.
Secondly, Christy and I will be working to support the National Leadership of the Church of God in the Netherlands. Additionally, we will be providing theological training and pastoral mentoring to emerging leaders. We are quite excited about these opportunities to partner with those already in leadership, and offer any support and encouragement we can.
In a nutshell, that is what we will be doing. Of course that doesn't do justice to it, but as with all ministry, much of our work will be relational, and therefore, not easily quantifiable or objective. Please feel free to contact us, as we would be more than happy to answer any questions and share more in private conversations!
Lastly, but also importantly, we are in need of support. Please lift us up in prayer that God will open doors for us to continue down this path. Also, we are in need of financial support. I know, I know...but in fairness, you had to know this was coming! Since we are commissioned by the Church of God, all funding is channeled through Global Missions of the Church of God. Our Project # is: 42.10041. Please contact Debbie Taylor, Living Link administrator, at DTaylor@chog.org or (800) 848-2464, ext. 2129.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The Journey Begins!
After wrestling with God for years, we have come to accept that God is calling our family to serve His Church as missionaries.
Through much prayer and conversation, we have accepted a call to serve as Church of God Missionaries to the Netherlands, as part of the Three Worlds team serving in Europe & the Middle East. To say that we are excited about this next chapter in our lives as Christ-Followers would be an understatement.
But all the excitement is tempered by the emotions anyone would feel at this point: Fear, Curiosity, Anxiety, a raw sense of Wonder.
Having lived our lives mostly change-free for the past 7-9 years, we are now faced with change on every level. This July we are welcoming our daughter into our lives, and we will be all about the task of becoming Parents!
We are putting the finishing touches on some projects, and will be hoping to sell our historic home in downtown Anderson.
We will be, once fundraising is complete, leaving the jobs we've held for 8+ years. And most importantly, we'll be moving halfway around the world from our friends and family.
What a leap of faith we are facing. Before any of this move actually happens, we'll need to raise support from congregations and individuals whom we don't necessarily know, to send us to a place we've not yet been, to minister to a people we do not know.
And yet, feeling that this is God's leading in our lives, we boldly press forward, walking to the tune of the old hymn "I have decided to Follow Jesus."
Through much prayer and conversation, we have accepted a call to serve as Church of God Missionaries to the Netherlands, as part of the Three Worlds team serving in Europe & the Middle East. To say that we are excited about this next chapter in our lives as Christ-Followers would be an understatement.
But all the excitement is tempered by the emotions anyone would feel at this point: Fear, Curiosity, Anxiety, a raw sense of Wonder.
Having lived our lives mostly change-free for the past 7-9 years, we are now faced with change on every level. This July we are welcoming our daughter into our lives, and we will be all about the task of becoming Parents!
We are putting the finishing touches on some projects, and will be hoping to sell our historic home in downtown Anderson.
We will be, once fundraising is complete, leaving the jobs we've held for 8+ years. And most importantly, we'll be moving halfway around the world from our friends and family.
What a leap of faith we are facing. Before any of this move actually happens, we'll need to raise support from congregations and individuals whom we don't necessarily know, to send us to a place we've not yet been, to minister to a people we do not know.
And yet, feeling that this is God's leading in our lives, we boldly press forward, walking to the tune of the old hymn "I have decided to Follow Jesus."
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